Prayer Quotes and Aphorisms

All posts are written by Mark McCulley and copyrighted (c) 2015 unless noted as being from another source.

“At last I believe life itself is a prayer, and the prayers we say shape the lives we live, just as the lives we live shape the prayers we say.”   –Ted Loder

Prayer is a relationship, not a list.

Jesus, the Son of God, talked with his Father all the time. We too are children of God through faith, and our birthright is to talk to our Father about everything. Being who we are, in Christ, includes talking to the Father just as much. 

Prayer is like breathing, only more important. 

“Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still. He will never talk well and with real success to men for God who has not learned well how to talk to God for men.” (E.M. Bounds)

When all else fails, pray. In fact, before it fails, be sure to pray, so that when it does, you won't be disturbed.

Prayer is a commitment of a little bit of our life energies, to connect with and serve the One who supplies the energy of the universe. What strength can we draw from a connection like that?

I don't see why people make such a big fuss about prayer.  After all, it's just us, talking with the ruler of the universe.

"Prayer was never meant to be magic," Mother said.
"Then why bother with it?" Suzy scowled.
"Because it's an act of love," Mother said.
(from A Ring of Endless Light by Madeline L'Engle).

As we work through our concerns, our requests for others and for ourselves with God, and listen for his will on those subjects, we learn how his heart of love looks at each one. Slowly we learn to love as he loves, to think as he thinks, and to act in accord with him. That's why prayer is hard work and why it takes time.

Pray as if it all depends on God. (It does.)

As we pray during Advent, let us remember to pray for those who do not understand this amazingly Good News, who do not realize that grace means God's complete acceptance and love, and that God planned to love them before there was time. Let's remember to pray for them daily and in earnest, so that someone will finally show them the Way.

As we pray during Advent, we remember the pain and suffering of our whole planet: the plants, animals and people due to pollution, war and injustice. We remember the promise of our Lord to return and finally re-create the earth in its true beauty and all people in our true humanity in Christ (which we see only 'in a glass darkly' even though it is already true because of Jesus). We pray the prayers of Israel, "how long, O Lord?." And while we wait, we pray for what we may also do to help others see the beauty of the Good News in Christ.

As we celebrate Christ's birth, let's remember to thank Jesus for coming in an unexpected way, not as a king but as a baby, not to overpower us with power and break us down but to love us into his arms and help us to surrender to his love. Let's remember all the work he went through as a human that he didn't have to, but that he did out of love alone, to know us and save us so he could love us forever. Amen!

Prayer is a way to be connected with God. So the more often and more constantly we pray, the more continually we are aware of being constantly connected to God. So let's pray! 
In prayer we can "wrestle" with God as Jacob did, and "rest" with God as we bring all our concerns to him. Let us go in prayer to the throne of grace, and bring everything that troubles us so we can find rest.

God desires to bless us. Can we pray for others, not "at" them because of our upsets and worries, but "for" them, for the Lord to bless them?  Try turning a concern about someone else, into a prayer that God will give them overflowing blessings of peace and joy -- and see what happens!

In prayer, we are able to join our hearts with the heart of the Almighty, the Creator and Ruler. Let that thought sink into your mind as you pour out your praises, your requests and your desires to him. Let his power and grace fill you in return, and let everything that happens to you be turned to a way to give glory to him.

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. (Eph. 6:18)

Our prayers are important to God and to us, or Jesus wouldn't have put so much emphasis on prayer. Whether we pray about our own needs or the needs of others, or many other topics, God hears and responds.

As we take all our worries, cares and impossible situations to the Father and turn them into prayers, he gives us the peace of Christ which is above and beyond our circumstances. (Phil. 4:6-7).
We should always talk to God about others, before we talk to others about God. For whom are you praying?

Prayer can become like a conversation between two intimate friends -- you and someone you can't see. Like talking with a friend by phone, the visual image doesn't really matter because you know the other so well.

When the early church got together to pray, Peter was released from prison, the multitudes came to Christ, and the schemes of the devil were defeated. Even when seemingly negative things happened, the Lord always turned them to good. As we gather and earnestly pray for direction to advance the Gospel in our time and place, how will the Triune God answer?

Praying takes many forms. Sometimes it is intense and heart-wrenching, sometimes it is quiet and reverent, sometimes joyful, sometimes exuberant. Prayer is the heart's language to express itself to its Creator, and like the Psalms suggest, every emotion and mood and need is allowed and expected.

Praying about something every day, or even multiple times a day, isn't to convince God to finally do something about it. Instead, the Spirit works with us during our times of prayer to understand the Father's heart about the thing we are praying about, and sometimes to spur us to follow Jesus in doing what we can do about it. So "praying always" is another way the Triune God shapes us into his image.

When in doubt, pray more. For that matter, any other time, pray more. It's that important.

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