Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Who Is He? Who Are You?

How did Jesus perform all those miracles in his ministry? How did he manage to keep his cool when so many were accusing him of evil? How could he persist in his calling, when so many events in his life could have discouraged him completely? How did he defeat Satan's temptations and drive the enemy away? I believe a large share of Jesus' steadfastness throughout

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Luke 24:1-2 "very early on Sunday morning[a] the women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. They found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance."

1 Cor 15:3-8 -- "I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said.He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said. He was seen by Peter[c] and then by the Twelve.After that, he was seen by more than 500 of his followers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died. Then he was seen by James and later by all the apostles. Last of all, as though I had been born at the wrong time, I also saw him." 

Christ the Lord has risen from the dead! He has conquered death and assured us life with him forever. Come and enjoy the light of his presence as he shines on all. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Quiet Day

It was a quiet day. The turmoil of the last few days was finally past. Jesus, the Galileean teacher who had stirred up so much trouble, had finally been trapped and put to death before he could create even more unrest. His execution had been a most unusual one, not only from the

Friday, March 25, 2016


At about this time of day (3 PM) on a Friday outside Jerusalem, a dying man uttered one of his last words. "Tetellestai" is a Greek word meaning, "it is finished" or "the debt is paid." The word was used in accounting, written at the bottom of a page to note that the lender had received full payment for a debt and the borrower was now free. My Lord, the

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Pharaoh and the Pharisees

Long ago in Egypt, the Pharaoh of the nation held the people of Israel captive as slaves, building whatever public works were going up at the time (exactly which Pharaoh and which buildings, is not the point here). He had a captive labor force and he wasn't about to give them up. Moses showed up and said "My God is telling you and your pitiful

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Your Bootstraps Just Broke (reprise from 2014)

When I was a boy, people used the expression "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps" -- referring to the loops at the top of some boots that helped get them on your feet. It meant something like "trying to succeed all by yourself, and failing" because physically, it's an impossible stunt! Studying Colossians 1:28-29, it strikes me