Thursday, September 27, 2018

How Are Your Toes Getting Wet?

I have seen God challenge me, many times in the last 50 years or so, far beyond my own willingness to perform. Many situations in life have made me dig deeper than I wanted to, into my own motivations, subtle ways of twisted thinking, and broken ways of acting toward others. And I'm being challenged weekly to trust the Lord for my entire upkeep, health, and future. Such was also the case with Israel as they prepared to cross the Jordan into the Land of Promise, led by Joshua. There are a couple of lessons there for us. Let's look. 

In Joshua 3, the tribes are prepared to cross the river, which is at flood stage (v. 15). God tells Joshua, "when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off from flowing" (v. 13). I don't know about you, but how would you like to be told you have to step into a flooding river, where you can get washed away, but "don't worry, it will stop flowing." Not my idea of a nice day's outing! But we're told that's exactly what happened. What a sign of God's strength! 

They were being challenged to trust God and not to think that what they could see and feel, was all that existed. In spite of their doubts, they walked in, and saw God move. That's one version of faith -- believing and acting in spite of doubt (not fooling ourselves into not doubting). Good reminder for us all, don't you think? 

But more than just 'trust God in spite of circumstances,' I think there is another lesson here: the Lord may be asking us, you and me, to 'get our toes wet' by serving Jesus in areas of life where we haven't considered serving him before. There could be many places in your life: loving a friend who is being particularly un-friendlike at the moment; praying for someone who has wronged you and hurt you; attempting to reconcile with someone (and being worried it won't work) or serving the homeless at a local food bank, just for a few ideas. If we feel a move from the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus into such a situation, we will have to agree to get our toes wet before we see any results. That's part of following him. Remember, staying on the bank until they saw the waters part, was not part of the deal for the priests carrying the ark. 

So the question for this week is, where in your life are you being challenged to get your toes wet? Or where are they already getting wet, and you're uncertain of the outcome? Like everything else, the indicated action is to take it to God in prayer and listen for direction. He already knows, and is more than willing to show you where he's going to part the waters for you.

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