Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Graduation Time!

Congratulations, graduates, wherever you are! Graduation is often called "Commencement" and for good reason: your classes are over, you've passed your exams, and you're starting life in the real world, ready to apply what you've learned. This is a big moment! Even for those of us who graduated many years ago, we remember what an important part of life this is.  --And did you know, there's a similar 'commencement
ceremony' in the Bible? It's the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples, and their first encounter with the rest of the world as the leaders of this new Jesus-movement. Acts 2 tells the story, so let's look.

Jesus, the Messiah, had risen into the clouds, no longer visible (Acts 1:9-11). Ten days later, the Holy Spirit came on them with a sound like a mighty wind, and with the appearance of fire settling on each of the disciples (Acts 2:2-3). They changed immediately (like moving the tassel to the other side of the hat), from being a learner to being a teacher, beginning to teach and witness to what Jesus had taught them, as they moved out into the world.

These were probably the same group as in chapter 1, including a lot of women. Everyone heard "them" -- not just Peter -- speaking in their own languages and dialects (there's a list of all those places, Acts 2:5-11). They knew very well what Jesus had taught, but they hadn't yet applied it outside of their own group. When the Spirit filled them all, the words of the good news about Jesus bubbled up out of them without any hesitation. Knowledge alone didn't give them the ability: they needed power to speak what they knew, into this opportunity provided for them by God, and the Spirit provided, just as Jesus had promised in John 14-16.

Or we could say it another way, they had graduated! They were out of school and in the world, using what they had been taught. The rest of Acts shows different people having this experience over and over, as different opportunities arise and the Spirit moves them.

Like the disciples back then, we too have graduated! We've been learning for many years, and you and I both know far more about Jesus and the scriptures than we may believe. We have been given 'words of life' badly needed by lost people in pain. Only two things are required: the opportunity in front of us, and the power of the Spirit moving us to speak. Sometimes I shy away from these moments, not believing in myself; but it's never about me anyway, it's about Jesus, and it's not by my wisdom, but by the Spirit's inspiration. Most of the time, it starts with time -- just being present.

Can we trust in the Holy Spirit's ability to move us as he wants to? Can we let him lead us to the people he wants to reach through us? Can we let the Spirit's power through us, love them to Jesus? That may require being more open to the Spirit than we're accustomed to, but the only way to 'do ministry with Jesus' is in the Spirit, so let's move the tassel over, throw our hats in the air, and head for the exit!

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