Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Focus on Jesus

Jesus tells us in John 14:16 " I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you." That "Advocate" is the Holy Spirit, to whom we are introduced more and more in the rest of John's Gospel, and who replaced Jesus as the day-to-day teacher and example. Yet the Spirit was never to focus on himself and his own work, but to lead us back to Jesus, remind us of Jesus' teachings, and lead people to Jesus as our Savior. 

The Spirit lives in us, being fully activated at baptism, and has his ongoing daily work in transforming our lives to be like Jesus. In my sermon last Sunday, I used two examples from the  world of sports to help illustrate how the Holy Spirit helps us in our lives. Here they are again. 

One is as a 'coach' of sorts. In basketball, for instance, a coach dresses in a suit and tie while the players are all in jerseys, shorts and athletic shoes. When the team isn't doing well, the coach doesn't change into a uniform and enter the game -- he (or she) calls the players over during a break and instructs them on what is and is not going well. The players do well to listen carefully, because the coach is both more experienced and has a better vantage point on the game. He can help them play better by tuning up the parts of their game that are lacking. 

Two other examples were from golf. The first was suggested by my friend Bill Winn, who loves to golf and is much better at it than I. He occasionally hires a teaching professional to play a few holes with him and help him see his weaknesses. Again, the coach doesn't play the hole for him -- he watches Bill line up and swing, then offers advice on how Bill could improve. 

In both cases, the coach or teacher offers tips and corrections to help us improve. Here's another that I find useful: I once watched a movie about golf, from a setting many years ago, and one of the golfers had the most beautiful, relaxed swing I'd ever seen. No tension, no hurry, no stress of any kind -- just a pure, athletic motion that sent the ball flying down the course. I was fascinated, and that video clip stuck in my mind. I ran it over and over, remembering just how graceful it was, especially compared to mine!  The next time I practiced, I thought about that swing and imitated it as best I could. The difference was dramatic! I hit like I had never hit before. 

The Holy Spirit works in both ways. Sometimes he reminds us of our thoughts, words and actions that don't agree with the life of God being built in us. Sometimes he reminds us of descriptions of Jesus in scripture, healing and teaching and forgiving, dining with sinners and helping the self-righteous see the light, but always doing it with grace. We can be corrected when we need it, instructed in right living, and reminded to focus on the living Jesus, all by the work of the Spirit. Like those who hire a coach, it's crucial to pay attention, because the Spirit's work will continue to build the mind and life of Christ in us. How well are you hearing the Spirit, and focusing on Jesus, today? 

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