Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Lent: Stopping to Notice the Heart of God

So how is your life during Lent, without chocolate or sugar or whatever you decided to give up? However you've done it, I hope you've drawn closer to our loving God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Here's another suggestion of a way to journey through Lent into the heart of God:
Notice. Simply stop to notice what's going on around you, and pay attention to what God is doing.

Here are some ways to Notice that may help you. Stop for an hour -- even for ten minutes -- to watch ants carrying their tiny loads through the grass. See water trickling in a stream or ditch, and see how it moves little sticks or leaves, or how birds come to drink or bathe. Watch a young child with a puppy; or how she holds her father's hand while standing in line somewhere; or see a wife's face light up as her husband comes to meet her at the end of the work day. Notice creation, light, life, and love.

By taking time to Notice, we can learn to see thousands of ways God is demonstrating his power and love throughout the world every day, all around us (see Matthew 10:29-31). We can become humbled by how complex his world is, how wonderful it is (in spite of the way we've messed it up) and how completely we are blessed by God.

Noticing is another way to slow down, which can help us learn to listen to God better. Here's a link to a helpful article on that topic:

One more thing we can learn to Notice: our reactions to events, to other peoples' words and actions; and to the Holy Spirit as he reminds us to follow the mind of Christ instead of our own motivations.

However you choose to do it, noticing the diversity and energy in all of creation will enrich your understanding and awe of our wonderful God, and let you give yourself more and more fully to him in joy and worship. Even if you don't give up chocolate!

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