Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Safe Place

I really don't feel like talking to God about my latest failing. I've done it before, I'm afraid I'll do it again, and I don't like the way I am when I fail like that. So I think maybe I'll just skip the prayer part and go on, pretending it didn't happen. Surely God understands...Well, yes, actually he does, and I know better. Maybe I need to remember again why God is the safest place, the only really safe place, for me to take all my junk!  There are three reasons I can think of, right off the top of my theological head:

1. He already knows about it. I don't think I have to quote too many scriptures to prove that, do I?
2. He understands, better than my friends do. Hebrews 2:14-18 says that Jesus came into human flesh, just like us, and was tempted just like us, and even 'suffered' through temptation. So he knows what it's like, not just as another human, but with God's own infinite knowledge of humans - including me.
3. More than just that, he's already got a shiny new life for me and for you. He wants to accept from us the stained, spoiled, crummy-looking self we have manufactured (or that has been shoved on us from family and society, among others) and give us that new person. Thing is, he wants us to give it up and let him have it -- he won't take it by force. But when we give up on our old self and give it to him, receive the new person, and start living like that new person, there's a whole new horizon ahead of us.

'Scuse me, I need to go talk to God about my stuff. Seems like he's the only one who's really qualified to fix me anyway. Come join me?

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