Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"My Beloved Child"

Christ-centered, incarnational Trinitarian theology (more at this website) sees in Jesus the full picture of the Godhead; that in Jesus we can see the
love of the Father for all humanity, indeed the whole creation. We believe that Jesus fully embodies everything scripture was written to describe (John 5:39Luke 24:25-27). We believe that Jesus represents us, in divine-human perfection, to the Father, and presents the heart of the Father to us. So when we see Jesus, we see everything the Father planned for humanity and desires us to know about him.

That means the Father loves you and me just like he loves Jesus.  Jesus said in his high-priestly prayer in John 17:23 that we are as close to the Father's heart as he himself is:  "I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me." Did you hear that?  Do you believe it?  Most of us don't. But what would change in your life if you did hear and believe it?

One more picture:  Jesus was baptized, not because he had sinned, but to show the way and beckon us to follow him. He was baptized, that is, as a representative of all of us. He was "buried" in the water symbolizing all of us dying to sin along with him; and he was raised out of the water as a picture of his resurrection from death -- which is also a resurrection that represents and claims all of us too!

Then a voice came from heaven and said "This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy."  Guess what?  The Father said that to Jesus, and Jesus heard it for you and me too.  You and I are the dearly beloved of the Father, and we bring him great joy -- because Jesus brings all of us with him to the Father.  

Many days in our lives we don't hear that voice declaring the Father's love, but the Father is still saying that to you and me. 

Can we learn to hear it? What would change if we did?

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